panorama software,virtual tour software
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Easypano Products Survey

Easypano is committed to customer satisfaction and would like to know your concerns and suggestions about our products. Your answers will help us improve our products. Any feedback is greatly appreciated!

1. Which of following Easypano product are you using? (check all that apply)

Other non-Easypano products (please specify) 

2. Which of the following industry do you make virtual tours for?
Real estate (home virtual tour)
Others (please specify) 

3. What equipment do you use to shoot panoramas?
DSLR camera + fish-eye lens
DSLR camera + normal/wide-angle lens
Digital camera + One-Shot lens
Others (please specify) 

4. If you are using Tourweaver Standard edtion (1.30/3.00/4.00), which type of image do you usually use to produce virtual tours?
Spherical panorama
Cylindrical panorama
Still image
Others (please specify) 

5. If you are using Panoweaver, which of the following features do you expect most in future versions?
Support more types of lens and camera
Improve blending feature
Improve stitching speed
Support adding objects in panoramas
Remove tripod cap automatically
Others (please specify) 

6. If you are using Modelweaver, which of the following features do you expect most in future versions?
Support importing and publishing files of 3dmax and Maya models.
Output VRML format files.
View object tour from every angle.
Support auto-modelling of objects.
Others (please specify) 

Questionnaire Completed by:

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Website:   Phone:   Country:
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Note: Easypano DOES NOT reveal without permission your personal information at any time.

Thanks for your feedback!

Please press the "Submit" button to submit the questionnaire to us. If error happens during the submission, please contact us, or copy and send your filled questionnaire form to